Have questions about your boat or about cruising subjects? Members may post questions and answers on the DeFever Cruisers FORUM. You must be a member of the DeFever Cruisers and also be a member of our Forum, which is included in our annual dues. Click on Forum in the menu to learn more.
Have a question about our organization that is not answered on the many pages of our website? Fill out the contact information form below and submit it to us. This is not the best place to ask about boats. Use the Forum for that.
Articles for the quarterly Magazine may be sent by members to DFCMagazine@gmail.com. Please send the article in an attached file.
Username or Password problems should be sent to DFChiefPilot@gmail.com. Be sure you enter your username and password accurately. If problem persists, describe what is happening so we can have some clues on how to help you.
Problems with PayPal must be taken up directly with PayPal as we have no way to troubleshoot their service or website. You can normally pay by credit card. However, several members have reported that PayPal forced them to use their PayPal account when they tried to pay their dues with the same credit card that was used to open their PayPal account. You do not need a PayPal account to pay with your credit card.
When everything else fails, send an email to the DFChiefPilot@gmail.com. But be patient and be nice. He gets grumpy with grumpy people.
Contact Information: |
DeFever Cruisers c/o Chief Pilot 808 Harbour Isles Place North Palm Beach, FL 33410 Helpful Email Contacts: |